
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
They can be reached by phone at: (323) 252-2565 or write to them at:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

...To Make Things Completely Clear.

In Katie's latest rant on the "Boycott David Bret" site, she insists that she agreed to delete all of her hate-filled trash if we would reciprocate. Like so many times before this, KATIE LIED. Ms. Birchard deleted several entries from her rampant pile of bullshit, neglecting to delete the blog entirely, also leaving MANY references to people in question. We, in turn, deleted the entire blog, and brought to her attention that she needed to do the same.

Katie responded by telling us "that was not part of the negotiation, however I will write nothing further of you."  So, Katie, let us make sure we understand. You want us to delete our ENTIRE blog, and cease mentioning your name(s), but you will not be doing the same. Okay, Katie. How do we put this nicely? FUCK THAT. Yes, that about sums it up.

If you want one word deleted from this blog you will either (A) get a court order, have it served to Google, at which point they will be forced to remove it, and it will pop up in 200 other places both in the U.S. AND Abroad where it can never be eradicated, or (B) you will delete EVERY TRASHY REFERENCE in EVERY one of your blogs. PERIOD.  No matter what the outcome of your court hearing tomorrow, we have won.  You have to get your chubby ass out of bed VERY early to take a bus down  to the courthouse to plead your pathetic case with the HOPE that a judge shows you some pity.  Then you get to take your chubby ass back to the bus station back home.  You will be asked lots of questions, and be referred to as Katie Birchard all morning long;  Your true and legal name. You are experiencing the stress and time consumption that we have all been experiencing due to your bullshit for years. Tell us, Katie. Now that the tables are turned, is it still fun to shit where you're now sleeping?

Oh, and for public record, this blog is run and authored by many. You can make assumptions until your blue, but there are so many people with the same mission in mind that you'd be filing orders of restraint until you die to get rid of it. That you can be sure of.

Katie also said in her latest shit storm that she was having people served with an order of restraint. For the record, NO ONE has been served an order of restraint because NONE have been granted.  How do we know this, you ask? We called the Burbank, California Courthouse. We were warmly greeted by someone familiar with the case that laughed at how crazy Ms. Birchard is. We welcome any of you to do the same. Public Record can be a BEAUTIFUL thing sometimes.

I hope like Hell we have made our points abundantly clear this time. Sometimes we think your last two brain cells are fighting over which one will get to live.  To be honest, we have better things to do than repeat ourselves for a daffy bottle blonde like yourself, however in light of keeping our discussions public, we feel the need to do just that.

Cheers, and make sure you all leave well wishes to Katie for her 10:30am court appearances tomorrow! Don't worry, folks, we will have the court minutes faxed to us the minute the hearing is over, and you can bet they will be placed right here where everyone can see them!

The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team


  1. Birchard is going to need a lot more than luck. She's going to need a lobotomy.

  2. Personally, I hope the judge throws the book at her. That would be a brilliant turn of events.

  3. Hala is nothing more than a wart on the ass of society.
