
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Boycott "Forget The Talkies!" NO MORE HATE & SCANDAL!

On Thursday, March 20th, 2008, "Miss Pickford" launched her website "Forget The Talkies!"  The supposed premise for the site was great; an introduction of silent film to a new, fresh audience. The problem is that the world was not only introduced to silent film, but to "Silent Movie Guide Diva," Miss Pickford.  In her very first entry, she refers to anyone whom doesn't share her "factual" opinion on silent film a "jerk," "moron," "troll," or "retard." She refers to "their" edits as "gossip & untruth." WOW, "Hala." What exactly do you call your lovely blog? Gospel? Oh, excuse us. We must be one of the retards you were referring to.

The problem with her blog is that when it's good, it's pretty damned good, but when it's bad, it's terrible.  If "Hala Pickford" could have spent more time researching factual information on silent film stars, the studios they came from and the movies they made, she could have EASILY become one of the go-to people for a subject she's obviously passionate about.

Instead, she spends most of her time trying to interject her opinion about a particular silent stars sexuality, why she was delayed in writing about a particular movie or subject and many other things no one gives two fucks about. If you're going to write a blog about factual things, don't make it read like a Freshmen school girls' diary. The last time I checked, no one caught Valentino with a cock in his mouth. On the flip side, I very much doubt that anyone has any factual evidence of his love for pussy either. His sexuality is irrelevant. He was arguably a petty thief, but in an effort to "untarnish" his legacy, "Hala" insists that he was squeaky clean, and in love with females.  Her blog is fueled by emotion and NOT fact. If you read the entries, she admittedly gives plugs to certain people who've supported her and attempts to debunk the credibility of anyone that doesn't. 

As of late, the blog has turned to complete trash, verging on the brink of hysterical writing.  There are more blogs about David Bret and Tracy Terhune than there are about silent film. The blog is full of hate, homophobia, untruth and scandal.

Boycott "Forget The Talkies!" There is nothing worth reading there anymore, I'm afraid.

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