
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") To Seek Order Of Restraint!

Adding yet another classic "Hala" behavior to her long list of "WHAT THE FUCK'S," Katie has decided that SHE is the victim, and is seeking an order of restraint in a California Court Room. She comes armed, her chubby clutches full of our comments, whining that people are posting her legal name, and other facts about her.  Um, hey... YOU HAVE BEEN DOING THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE FOR YEARS!  HOW DOES IT FEEL, WOMAN!?

A part of us are EXTREMELY ECSTATIC.  We're not going to lie, the fact that she is FINALLY feeling how we have all felt for years puts an endless smile across our faces.  Whether she wins or not, the blogging will continue; until the day she removes every trashy word from every one of her blogs. There a dozens who have offered to carry the torch, saving all of these entries for re-posting, where the world can continue to see what a manipulative, conniving, trifling little bitch that she really is.

On another happy note, we recently received a letter from a MAJOR player in the silent film community. They gave us a literal treasure of information on Katie, including the names of even MORE of her victims. We have contacted them, and are awaiting their input.  The letter writer, of course requested public anonymity and concluded the letter with the following statement:  "...I have no wish to be associated in any way in people's minds with Hala Pickford/Katie Lynn Birchard."  AMEN TO THAT!

We have also had an outpouring of support from a large number of people whom have agreed to testify on our behalf in court, should the need arise.  Katie goes to court this Friday for her restraining order hearing. We're sure she will have the "outcome" plastered all over her blogs, and of course, we will be posting the actual court records here.

The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team

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