Katie Lynn Birchard seems genuinely concerned with the purported "death threats" she claims to receive on a daily basis, but due to her own inner evil and hate, is already dead. She's dead currently and she doesn't even realize it. Katie Lynn has been dead for years. Her very soul was sucked from her 250+ pound body as a child by kids who were just as evil to her as she's become to the people around her today. Katie Lynn Birchard doesn't even realize that her own current struggles with "the group of 10," as well as the plethora of people she's not aware of, are brought on by her own idiocy and hate. She claims to have not harassed Zachary Jaydon in "years," however, as recently as 3/02/2010, she emailed another blog to "inform" them of Jaydon's "shady dealings." Here is her comment on the blog quoted directly and in its' entirety:
"Popstress says:
Commented on: 02 Mar, 1:19 am
I just emailed you about Jaydon, the truth about him with proof in the pudding:
Please warn all fans!!! Sounds like he’s doing the same stuff he did with Ben Bledsoe (who was part of the “Single Ladies” number on Glee, that was it I believe) and Close to Home: fake news, fake contests, manipulating fans, and fake ‘trips’ and ‘prestige’. Thank you for posting this!"
Katie Lynn Birchard, YOU'RE A LIAR. Plain & simple. You're either a pathological liar, or you're IQ is very low and you need to have a CT scan, pronto, because your brain is functioning about as well as your aching joints. You continue to speak negatively about Mr. Jaydon in a public setting, yet deny it in almost the same breath. You accuse Mr. Jaydon of being arrested in Montana in October of 2009. The article you reference lists a February 2003 arrest date, stemming from a 1999 crime with a lawsuit being ordered in late September of 2009. The article was POSTED in October of 2009.
The lawsuit ALSO lists the plaintiff as Jaydon D. Paull, NOT Zachary Jaydon. The only blogs online that accuse Mr. Jaydon of being a con-man are getting their information directly from Katie Lynn Birchard's hate blogs. It's like the game of "telephone," but with someones real life. The alleged 2008 arrest with a "gaggle of minors" has absolutely no evidence to back up the claim whatsoever, but she begs for anyone with information to share it. That doesn't sound like fact to us. That sounds like fishing. She fails to even mention so much as a state the supposed arrest stems from.
In her latest blog entry, Katie Lynn mentions a "fake" Twitter account, supposedly belonging to Zachary Jaydon. We did some checking on the account and found that it has over 20,000 followers, as well as a "celebrity" Klout rating, none of which can be faked. The information can be found HERE:
Please warn all fans!!! Sounds like he’s doing the same stuff he did with Ben Bledsoe (who was part of the “Single Ladies” number on Glee, that was it I believe) and Close to Home: fake news, fake contests, manipulating fans, and fake ‘trips’ and ‘prestige’. Thank you for posting this!"
Katie Lynn Birchard, YOU'RE A LIAR. Plain & simple. You're either a pathological liar, or you're IQ is very low and you need to have a CT scan, pronto, because your brain is functioning about as well as your aching joints. You continue to speak negatively about Mr. Jaydon in a public setting, yet deny it in almost the same breath. You accuse Mr. Jaydon of being arrested in Montana in October of 2009. The article you reference lists a February 2003 arrest date, stemming from a 1999 crime with a lawsuit being ordered in late September of 2009. The article was POSTED in October of 2009.
The lawsuit ALSO lists the plaintiff as Jaydon D. Paull, NOT Zachary Jaydon. The only blogs online that accuse Mr. Jaydon of being a con-man are getting their information directly from Katie Lynn Birchard's hate blogs. It's like the game of "telephone," but with someones real life. The alleged 2008 arrest with a "gaggle of minors" has absolutely no evidence to back up the claim whatsoever, but she begs for anyone with information to share it. That doesn't sound like fact to us. That sounds like fishing. She fails to even mention so much as a state the supposed arrest stems from.
In her latest blog entry, Katie Lynn mentions a "fake" Twitter account, supposedly belonging to Zachary Jaydon. We did some checking on the account and found that it has over 20,000 followers, as well as a "celebrity" Klout rating, none of which can be faked. The information can be found HERE:
We are assuming Ms. Birchard intends to debunk the sites' credibility, but assume she'll try. She'll probably not admit to being dead wrong about Jaydon Paull's alleged "arrest" date in Montana being 6 years off, or able to prove that Jaydon Paull, Skyler Morgan, Patricia Krownwell, Joshua Christiansen and the gaggle of others is INDEED Zachary Jaydon. Other than her poorly worded rants accusing him of such, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that any of these people are tied to Zachary Jaydon whatsoever.
Katie Lynn Birchard complains of panic attacks, restless sleep, and outbursts of crying, but she continues to feed the fires, fanning the flames of her own lies and hate, and in the VERY SAME BREATH, claiming those to be the very motives of the people she herself is trying to destroy. YOU committed social suicide, "Hala Pickford." No one put you on any sort of social chopping block.
The following email was sent to "Hala Kitty" in early 2009 by Justin Wells; one of the founding members of National rock act, Close To Home; the very act that Katie accuses Zachary of swindling. Like many others, his hesitation with Zachary Jaydon stemmed from another of "Hala's" famous blogs. This email has been included in its entirety and has not been edited whatsoever.
...In Conclusion:
"Someone had the balls to call me 'evil'. I'd like to know what I've ever done that was evil. I just want to write and be left alone. I dont want these dramas and if the rest of my life passed with no such events occurring I would be happy as pie."
Katie, YOU ARE EVIL, and it's not just "someone" it's a LOT of someones who'd tell that very same story. You spend your days & nights butting your nose into others' business & trying to destroy anyone you feel has wronged you, even slightly. You're the poster child for a scorned woman. You will go to your grave dealing with these "dramas," and your writing career will never amount to a pile of horse shit as long as blogs like these exist because NO ONE will touch you, no matter HOW many times you change your name. You are a publicists worst nightmare. You're much too much of a liability and don't know when to keep quiet. This "group of 10 and their associated 20" will follow you as long as you're breathing. You have VERY serious health issues. You're 23 and admittedly have the body of an 80 year old, yet you'd risk your very life to feed your own ego & pride, trying to "take down" a LARGE group of people against which you can never win. The truth is, you have NO idea who is posting these blog entries. Your initially anonymous "Boycott Bret" blog has headlines mentioning more names as possible perpetrators than you can shake a stick at. Most people don't have a 30 person "fan club" trying to ruin them.
I would venture to guess that everyone would remove their blogs if you removed yours. We all know that's not going to happen, but it's the best thing for everyone. I can assure you with certainty that no one wants to have their name alongside yours in any blog anymore than you'd like to have yours here or anywhere else. You claim to not want this "shitstorm," so do something about it, Katie. Either create your future or let the World create it for you.
Katie Lynn Birchard complains of panic attacks, restless sleep, and outbursts of crying, but she continues to feed the fires, fanning the flames of her own lies and hate, and in the VERY SAME BREATH, claiming those to be the very motives of the people she herself is trying to destroy. YOU committed social suicide, "Hala Pickford." No one put you on any sort of social chopping block.
The following email was sent to "Hala Kitty" in early 2009 by Justin Wells; one of the founding members of National rock act, Close To Home; the very act that Katie accuses Zachary of swindling. Like many others, his hesitation with Zachary Jaydon stemmed from another of "Hala's" famous blogs. This email has been included in its entirety and has not been edited whatsoever.
Funny this blog comes up from people googling Zachary Jaydon....
I know Zach. I know Close To Home as I started the band 10 years ago with my brother...
I know Curbsquirrel guy and I know Jon the old singer...
What I know of Zach. I have always had a skeptical eye on the guy mostly because of this strangers opinions. I've given him a hard time at times. At the end of the day he has always been a good guy to me. He's kept in contact with me and people I know who have worked with him have said Zach has been honest with them and a good guy.
A quick evaluation of the people on here and you can see you all have bad motives.
If your whole job is to warn people like Close To Home about him than by all means do what you feel is right. However, when you say your peace and they don't take your advice so you start calling them names and making everyone look bad publicly than your motives become clear that they are not noble in anyway.
He took Close To Home to a higher level. In case you arent paying attention Zach is no longer with the band as is common with management. You cannot fake dollars and you cant fake RV's, You cant fake sponsorships and you cant fake sound scans. You can't fake any of the factual things he did for Close To Home. The bottom line is why hate on a guy who succeeded in doing his job unless you have your own motives that are shady.
In reply to Jons post...
I've never said anything to Jon but I have heard over and over he has talked shit. Now thankfully he has posted some here I can address it. Jon never got payments because Jon's copyright is non existent. He was a member of a business..he quit the business. It makes no sense to make fun of a bands sound that you supposedly helped create and talk about how CTH doesnt make money and then turn around and brag about any contribution you made to the band and bitch about royalty payments of all things.
Close To Home owns the copyrights and the rights to perform all of the songs. How do I know? I watched everyone sign the same papers. The same ones I signed. I wrote 3/4ths of the songs and didnt get royalties...who cares!? Why try to destroy something you helped build. It only shows how little of a role you actually played. Factually of all the people who have been in CTH Jon played the smallest role of anyone. Never hung our or practiced with us. Couldnt handle touring do to "health" reasons. And left us high and dry when Brad was dying. He shouldnt belittle the "not original members" because people like Nick stepped up when it counted and was a great friend to Brad when he had the chance to be. The only member of CTH who was not there for Brad as he died was Jon. The only person who didnt like Brad in CTH was Jon. Brad knew it we all knew it. So to talk about being mad about people using brad's death is just your own way of doing so. You weren't his friend. In fact Brad even wrote a song about his battle with cancer and you scrapped all the words the day we went to record and made your own song out of it. Also Jon didn't write any of the songs single handed he contributed the same way every member did.
So here it is the provocation you need to say dumb shit on the internet as if you are above that. I really dont give a damn it's all water under the bridge to me but to publiclly blast people you dont know and also. You make the most sense when saying anyone who works with Close To Home is an idiot...You sure were an idiot! Also anyone who wants to hear "original" heartfelt music can check out Jon's cover versions of Kanye West songs made with the program tabit in his mom's basement. Jon is the last person who could talk about the horrible hand CTH was dealt because he wasnt around for anything. As Brad struggled to breath with a collapsed lung Jon continued huffing and puffing into a paper bag and talking about his "panic attacks" Brad liked to call him panic boy. Just admit it close to home was your moment in the sun and your pissed because you blew it. I have videos from our first tour on warped tour. Jon's face was glowing at the chance to be doing what we were. He was very lucky. Not to mention there is a part where we all got naked in the van and Jon mistakenly says "i've never been this close to another naked gay man before" probably the funniest thing I've ever seen as he was oblivious to what he said.
As far as Eric from the Curbsquirrels goes it is a stretch to say he knows Close To Home. He knew 2 members years ago. Actually recorded their first album. Ironically after talking all this shit is willing to take their money as recently as this week to do some preproduction work with them. haha...& yes Close To Home has WORKED hard on pumping numbers. I cant imagine if his story is true too many bands willing to sit around for 8 unpaid hours hitting one button on a computer. Sounds like someone not concened about money to me. My time is worth more than that. I'm sure yours is too....hmm...
Self promotion has actually worked incase you have never been to a local show. They went from playing shows with 12 people with the Curbsquirrels to headlining and packing out the Madison consistently. I have yet to see another local band do half of the things they have. One of the last shows I played with the band was to a sold out crowd at Hara Arena. True we got the show with rediculously high numbers....true we also played for nearly 10,000 people that night. All signed bands and bands trying to succeed hype numbers including the bands you listed. Its ironic because you say they do it for fame and money yet you are implying they have neither? How does that make sense?
Usually if someone wants to find the truth you consider the source. This blog contains some very unreliable sources considering your supposed purpose is to call Zach out for who he is or is not. I'm certain this wont be posted given the fact that it is a more factual perspective from someone who knows EVERYONE mentioned. I've never been one to not get involved with shit talking on the internet so there is my 2 cents." ...In Conclusion:
"Someone had the balls to call me 'evil'. I'd like to know what I've ever done that was evil. I just want to write and be left alone. I dont want these dramas and if the rest of my life passed with no such events occurring I would be happy as pie."
Katie, YOU ARE EVIL, and it's not just "someone" it's a LOT of someones who'd tell that very same story. You spend your days & nights butting your nose into others' business & trying to destroy anyone you feel has wronged you, even slightly. You're the poster child for a scorned woman. You will go to your grave dealing with these "dramas," and your writing career will never amount to a pile of horse shit as long as blogs like these exist because NO ONE will touch you, no matter HOW many times you change your name. You are a publicists worst nightmare. You're much too much of a liability and don't know when to keep quiet. This "group of 10 and their associated 20" will follow you as long as you're breathing. You have VERY serious health issues. You're 23 and admittedly have the body of an 80 year old, yet you'd risk your very life to feed your own ego & pride, trying to "take down" a LARGE group of people against which you can never win. The truth is, you have NO idea who is posting these blog entries. Your initially anonymous "Boycott Bret" blog has headlines mentioning more names as possible perpetrators than you can shake a stick at. Most people don't have a 30 person "fan club" trying to ruin them.
I would venture to guess that everyone would remove their blogs if you removed yours. We all know that's not going to happen, but it's the best thing for everyone. I can assure you with certainty that no one wants to have their name alongside yours in any blog anymore than you'd like to have yours here or anywhere else. You claim to not want this "shitstorm," so do something about it, Katie. Either create your future or let the World create it for you.
This bitch is seriously twisted. How can she wonder why people want her dead?