
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

The REAL Death Of Katie Lynn Birchard (Hala Pickford)

Katie Lynn Birchard seems genuinely concerned with the purported "death threats" she claims to receive on a daily basis, but due to her own inner evil and hate, is already dead. She's dead currently and she doesn't even realize it. Katie Lynn has been dead for years. Her very soul was sucked from her 250+ pound body as a child by kids who were just as evil to her as she's become to the people around her today.  Katie Lynn Birchard doesn't even realize that her own current struggles with "the group of 10," as well as the plethora of people she's not aware of, are brought on by her own idiocy and hate.  She claims to have not harassed Zachary Jaydon in "years," however, as recently as 3/02/2010, she emailed another blog to "inform" them of Jaydon's "shady dealings."  Here is her comment on the blog quoted directly and in its' entirety:

Commented on: 02 Mar, 1:19 am

1 comment:

  1. This bitch is seriously twisted. How can she wonder why people want her dead?
