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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Katie Lynn Birchard Influences Cohorts, Spreading Fake Scandal & Lies

One of Katie Lynn Birchard's "Signature Traits" is to follow her victims via the internet, whether it be through their job, their social networking sites, their webpages, etc. She likes to pick random people from each site to contact regarding the subjects' "bad habits."

Recently, I discovered this blog, assumingly written by Zachary Jaydon.  In the blog, Jaydon discusses his issues with two individuals whom were contacted by Ms. Birchard. They were admittedly fed her lies via her "Fraud Files" blog on the aforementioned subject.

In reading this, I became curious to put some rumors to rest,  and see if there were indeed any shenanigans that went down or didn't go down. I contacted the public emails I could find for the GleeFan website. I wrote them the following:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am doing some research on Mr. Zachary Jaydon for a blog I'm putting together and stumbled upon your blog referencing him. Can you please clarify some of your points, as well as source your references for me, so that I may do further research? Thank you for your time.


I received the following back two days later:
I am going to be removing the post on UltimateGleeks and Zachary Jaydon. A woman calling herself Hala wrote to us telling us that he was a major scam artist and that we needed to expose him on our site. She said his account was fake and that he was trying to steal money from us. I forwarded the email from her to our site owner and he flipped out too. We copied the information from her blog and added our own assumtions to it. zach made a bunch of points on his blog about us. He never told me his last name ro really did anything to me personally. I just got scared. Now I just wish all the negative info on us was gone. We don't really know anything about him. We just know we don't want to work together. It trashes our credibilaty. Tell him we will take ours down if he takes his down.


ps, I checked the ip adresses and a bunch of the bad comments on the site came from the popstress ip.

Well, now isn't that interesting? Katie has been tracking several individuals this way; trying to weasel her way into spreading lies through various other websites that all seem to indicate they are receiving their information from her.  Shame on stupid people  (, Rob, Travis etc.) for not fact checking ANY of their information. We have written Ben Bledsoe as well as others to see what they have to say about Zachary Jaydon. We will keep you posted. Below is Jaydon's entire blog entry addressing Katie and the owners:

The TRUTH Behind Robert Black (@GleekRob) & Travis Yee (@gleeks) is the REAL Scam!

Dear Gleeks,

It pains me to even be addressing the issues I'm about to discuss. I don't like scandal and I DON'T like drama. Gossip was never to be the focus or feature of my Twitter account. At first, I was content to just let Robert Black (@GleekRob on Twitter) and Travis Yee (@gleeks & @yeebie on Twitter) make asses of themselves over this so called "Scandal" with the @UltimateGleeks Twitter page and its supposed owner(s). After repeated attempts to maliciously slander my name and create chaos, disunity and distrust in the Glee Community, I can not remain silent any longer. They feel like a Twitter, Google & Internet Blog war is appropriate. I'd just like to stop the drama for good with real facts.

Since February 25th, Robert and Travis have worked tirelessly to force me to delete the @UltimateGleeks Twitter Account. To set the record straight on a few things:

I NEVER rigged a contest. Ever. When talking to Robert Black (@GleekRob) about the contests I wanted to hold, he told me that Travis wanted to have the prizes sent to him, so that he could "be sure they went out." He told me Travis used to rig contests all the time, so that only his friends would win them and that way, he'd never have to send anything out. I told Robert I wasn't comfortable sending our prizes to Travis (@gleeks) if he had a history of cheating the Gleeks out of promised prizes.

I NEVER TOLD ROBERT BLACK ANYTHING PERSONAL ABOUT MYSELF, including, my last name, my place of residence, my place of birth, my sexuality, religious affiliation, any organizations I may belong to, or any other private information. When I talked to Robert, it was in regards to Glee exclusively. I never told him I worked for Fox Television in ANY caliber and I would challenge him to find any proof (REAL PROOF, not just someone saying so) of that accusation. I would also LOVE for Robert Black to find ANY legal or reliable documentation that I am in ANY way tied to a "Jaydon Paull." (There isn't any... none, anywhere...) I am also of NO relation and have NO knowledge of "Skyler Morgan," "Skylar Morgan," "Joshua Christiansen," "Jonathon Trager," or "Patricia Krownwell."

I made a call to the United States Social Security Office to find out how many people with the name Jaydon Paull and Zachary Jaydon are in the United States alone, just to make a point. There are 23 Jaydon Paulls, 7 Jaydon D. Paulls, and dozens more in other spelling variations. There are also 9 Zachary Jaydons in the US. There are a number of them with social networking pages and references to others all over the internet. When researching IMDB, the only thing I came up with was a Zachary Jayden who is a Gay Adult Porn Star. I'm wondering how long it will be before that becomes another one of the accusations against me? For the record, I have never worked in porn, either.

In continuing my research, I called the Clerk of Courts for Greene County, Ohio, which was referenced in his article. I asked about the subject, as well as the details of the case, etc. I was told by the Clerk of Courts that she "had nothing in her system on the subject in question."

After that, I called the director of Prison Systems in the State of Montana. I asked the same questions about whether there was or had ever been a Zachary Jaydon or Jaydon Paull in the Montana Prison System at any time, ever. I was also told "No." There is some evidence of a Jaydon Paull being put on probation in 2000 for a 1998 case and a van crash related to the probation, but when I called the attorney for the Jaydon Paull listed in the article I only got a "No Comment." I called the District Attorney for the county referenced in the article and got the same "No Comment." The State Attorneys' Office in Helena, Montana gave me "No Comment" as well. So far we have a "Jaydon Paull" being on probation from a 1998 Theft charge in Montana and that at some point they were involved in a van crash resulting in a lawsuit. That was all the information that I could verify after doing nearly 8 hours of investigation.

The supposed Blog Entries that are referenced lead to nothing. There is no blog and no cache of the blog when you click on the links. I am not sure what is being referenced here, so I can't comment on it specifically. I can tell you that the blog referenced in his update sounds like it's written by a 10 year, uneducated, scourned woman. If that is reliable information, I'd question his Glee news.

The Wikipedia link that is referenced is merely lists a "delete and salt" result. In doing further investigation, the former article read like a dozen 12 year olds fighting over a toy. There was nothing of any reference to one single person, but more of people fighting over whether one person was linked to another, who wrote a specific song, etc. None of the comments had any bearing on the @UltimateGleeks Twitter account whatsoever.

Travis Yee and Robert Black have made dozens of accusations that are completely untrue and malicious in intent. Travis and Rob aren't looking out for you. They are looking out ONLY for themselves; For what they believe to be in their best interest. Rob told me on NUMEROUS occasions that Travis was extremely intimidated by the fact that we had over 17,500 new followers within weeks of setting up the account. He told me that Travis was afraid that we would attempt to sell Glee merchandise, cutting into his profits. Rob walks a very fine line with Travis, as Travis owns the website that Rob runs. If Travis changes the server login information, Rob no longer has access to the site. Rob said many times that he didn't want to piss Travis off, and before this huge "Scandal" had said on many occasions that he didn't like Travis and avoided talking to him whenever possible. He has extreme dislike for Rowelle, (@GleePodcast) calling him a "fat bitch" and questioning why there are next to no pictures of him online, (also out of his own mouth) so how he ended up teaming up with them is more than I'd care to guess. When Robert tried to pull me into the Drama he had with Travis, Rowelle and his other 17 year old cohorts, I always bluntly told him that I wasn't going to change the way I did things for anyone, that I didn't want any part of the drama between them. He admits in his post that I've never scammed him out of anything, but questions what I may "do" in the future?

When Robert brought up himself being gay and obsessed with Cory Monteith, feeling super skinny because he was only 115 pounds, being insecure about his singing, etc. I tried to encourage him, explaining to him that I wasn't around to judge him, only to work with him to bring people Glee news. I intentionally avoided the subject of my personal life, because of the amount of time he spent making negative comments about some of his others partners.

To Travis Yee, you Gleeks are NOTHING more than money in the bank. The @gleeks account is just one of the MANY "fandoms" that Travis Yee runs exclusively to cash in on current fads/trends. (He currently owns fansites for David Cook, David Archuleta, Chris Daughtry, Aaron Kelly as well as having,, and many others.) When was the last time he RT'd or @replied anything to or for you? The reason the @gleeks account has as many followers as it does is because he was the FIRST person to set up a Glee Twitter account, (Even before @GleeOnFox) also misleading followers by putting the word "Official" in the account description and the official font in his graphic. (Travis has since removed the "official" after this posting.) The @gleeks account is no more official than ANY OTHER Glee Fan Account, and the information posted therein is CERTAINLY not the best. The content is mediocre and for a good amount of time, his Tweets were identically mirroring mine, hours and sometimes even days after I posted them. Other than Tweeting sporadically about only major Glee announcements, he posts links to his personal stores and other Glee fandom pages, selling unofficial Glee merchandise such as the T-Shirts located here. ( The @GleeSongs account is a page that has been set up with download links that Travis makes money on EVERY time you purchase a song from it. The bottom line is money. Every time you buy a Glee T-Shirt from, you are putting money in Travis' bank account. Every time you go to the @GleeSongs account to purchase music from the show, you put money in Travis' bank account. Every time you click on a Google Ad on money is made for Travis or Rob. When the hype dies down or the money dries up, the @gleeks page will cease to feature new content and will stop being active.

Most of the so called "proof" links don't actually lead anywhere. Most of them are dead links entirely. It seems insane to me for Robert to post a "disclaimer" at the end of the blog entry stating in essence, "I'm sorry if there are incorrect details in the post and none of the details above can be proven or verified, but they're all true." It seems very convenient that he is using the @UltimateGleeks account as a scapegoat for any and all inaccurate information that he has posted in the past, as well as the lack of consistency in their contests, etc. Are we REALLY to believe that the ip addresses were not photo shopped into the graphic linked to in the post. This blog post REEKS of malice. There is nothing noble or good intentioned in this crap. The entire point of this entry was to defame my character and eliminate any possible competition.

I do get DOZENS of tips and spoilers emailed to me on a daily basis. I do my very best to verify the accuracy of this information BEFORE putting it up, although I do occasionally make mistakes. I may hint that a big announcement is coming, while researching the accuracy before I put it up, but if I can't confirm it, I put it up as a "rumor" on the site. I mentioned SEVERAL of the rumors I was hearing to Rob, and he was excited to Tweet them. He asked if he should post them and I told him that he was welcome to post whatever he liked, also telling him that I wouldn't be posting it until I could confirm the information as true. ROBERT needs to learn to be accountable for the information that he is providing to you. He can't expect to put blame on anyone else because of information that HE IS PERSONALLY posting to It is HIS responsibility to fact-check EVERY piece of information that he is posting on the site. That responsibility falls on NO ONE ELSE. He even went as far as saying that if it turned out to be untrue information, that he could pull it down after-the-fact. I told him that was a "gossip blogger" way to do things and refused to be a "TMZ" or "Perez Hilton" of the Glee community. When you post negative comments about someone in the form of print with no proof and an intent to defame a person or groups character it is called "Libel." It is illegal. I have filed criminal charges with authorities in Robert's state of residence, (Virginia) Travis' state of residence (Nevada) as well as my own. I have also notified the server hosting the blog. I was told that the blog would be most likely shut down in response and is also being removed from Google and Yahoo searches indefinitely.

So, In response to the blog I say to all of the Gleeks of the world...

Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER asked you for money or tried to sell you ANYTHING?

Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER tried to tell you that we were working for or directly associated in ANY way with Fox Television as an employee or otherwise?

Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER posted negative information of ANY nature Prior To This Post?

Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER posted defamatory or libelous comments or remarks directed at ANYONE Prior To Addressing These Issues?

The answer to ALL of these questions is NO.

We HAVE provided our followers with current, relevant & accurate information on Glee, its' Cast Members and Crew in a timely manner. We've hosted a number of HONEST and well meaning contests to spread the word about Glee to those that love the show and to get the attention of those that need to hear about it for the first time. We have done our best to be inclusive of ALL fans and encouraging to ALL that come to our page everyday. We have made an honest attempt to bring together the Glee community and let everyone know that we are ALL in the same boat. We are all here because we love Glee. should be your source for Gossip, Scandal, Dissension & Hate. As Iqbal Theba (Principle Figgins) said in response to the posting... "I don't like journalism that thrives on scandals and gossip." Glee is about LOVE. Glee is about accepting each others differences and looking past physical likeness, sexual orientation, color, race, creed, hobby and handicap.

We read EVERY @Reply, Direct Message & Email that is sent to us, and do our very best to respond in a timely manner. You are NOT money in the bank for us. We are NOT going to quit bringing you the best Glee information we can. We aren't deleting the @UltimateGleeks account. We have an entire community of Glee sites being built to bring you the best of everything Glee related. We will NOT be posting anything further on this ridiculous scandal and from here on out. I hope that the entire Glee community will stand with me in saying that we are NOT going to continue to tear each other down, but build each other up. Our followers are not going down, but only up. We have nearly 18,000 as we post this and hope many more people to tune in. "Glee is about opening yourself up to joy." We ALL need to raise the bar. Let's not ever forget the real reason we fell in love with the show in the first place. I hope you are looking forward to April 13th as much as we are. We hope that you keep following us and are always looking for ways to improve.


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