
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
They can be reached by phone at: (323) 252-2565 or write to them at:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Hala Pickford" ...Missing In Action.

"Hala," Where are you, baybay? Why the utter and complete absence of shit spewing on your trash-blogs? We were sort of getting used to the smell. 

Folks, we will be requesting the minutes of "Hala's" Friday hearing from the Los Angeles County, Clerk of Courts on Monday. If our assumptions are correct, the complete absence of contemptuous gloating on her blogs indicates to us that she was denied her ridiculous requests.  We are guessing she's still putting together her "Thank You" speech and conjuring up her next batch of bullshit.  We are also talking to several other people interested in joining the "International Anti-Hala Coalition."  Lots more news after the weekend is over. Until Monday, Cheers!

The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team

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