"Hala," Where are you, baybay? Why the utter and complete absence of shit spewing on your trash-blogs? We were sort of getting used to the smell.
Folks, we will be requesting the minutes of "Hala's" Friday hearing from the Los Angeles County, Clerk of Courts on Monday. If our assumptions are correct, the complete absence of contemptuous gloating on her blogs indicates to us that she was denied her ridiculous requests. We are guessing she's still putting together her "Thank You" speech and conjuring up her next batch of bullshit. We are also talking to several other people interested in joining the "International Anti-Hala Coalition." Lots more news after the weekend is over. Until Monday, Cheers!
The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford," AKA "Hala Kitty," AKA "Hala Kuromi," AKA "Kaja Mundy" has a checkered past. For years she has led a life full of lies, deception, fraud and hate. This blog is intended to expose the REAL Katie Lynn Birchard; The Katie she has gone to great lengths to hide. If you're here for the first time, welcome. Be sure to read the posts at the bottom and work your way up. We hope you enjoy your stay.
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
They can be reached by phone at: (323) 252-2565 or write to them at: contact@1921pgv.com
They can be reached by phone at: (323) 252-2565 or write to them at: contact@1921pgv.com
Saturday, July 31, 2010
"Hala Pickford" ...Missing In Action.
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
...To Make Things Completely Clear.
In Katie's latest rant on the "Boycott David Bret" site, she insists that she agreed to delete all of her hate-filled trash if we would reciprocate. Like so many times before this, KATIE LIED. Ms. Birchard deleted several entries from her rampant pile of bullshit, neglecting to delete the blog entirely, also leaving MANY references to people in question. We, in turn, deleted the entire blog, and brought to her attention that she needed to do the same.
Katie responded by telling us "that was not part of the negotiation, however I will write nothing further of you." So, Katie, let us make sure we understand. You want us to delete our ENTIRE blog, and cease mentioning your name(s), but you will not be doing the same. Okay, Katie. How do we put this nicely? FUCK THAT. Yes, that about sums it up.
If you want one word deleted from this blog you will either (A) get a court order, have it served to Google, at which point they will be forced to remove it, and it will pop up in 200 other places both in the U.S. AND Abroad where it can never be eradicated, or (B) you will delete EVERY TRASHY REFERENCE in EVERY one of your blogs. PERIOD. No matter what the outcome of your court hearing tomorrow, we have won. You have to get your chubby ass out of bed VERY early to take a bus down to the courthouse to plead your pathetic case with the HOPE that a judge shows you some pity. Then you get to take your chubby ass back to the bus station back home. You will be asked lots of questions, and be referred to as Katie Birchard all morning long; Your true and legal name. You are experiencing the stress and time consumption that we have all been experiencing due to your bullshit for years. Tell us, Katie. Now that the tables are turned, is it still fun to shit where you're now sleeping?
Oh, and for public record, this blog is run and authored by many. You can make assumptions until your blue, but there are so many people with the same mission in mind that you'd be filing orders of restraint until you die to get rid of it. That you can be sure of.
Oh, and for public record, this blog is run and authored by many. You can make assumptions until your blue, but there are so many people with the same mission in mind that you'd be filing orders of restraint until you die to get rid of it. That you can be sure of.
I hope like Hell we have made our points abundantly clear this time. Sometimes we think your last two brain cells are fighting over which one will get to live. To be honest, we have better things to do than repeat ourselves for a daffy bottle blonde like yourself, however in light of keeping our discussions public, we feel the need to do just that.
Cheers, and make sure you all leave well wishes to Katie for her 10:30am court appearances tomorrow! Don't worry, folks, we will have the court minutes faxed to us the minute the hearing is over, and you can bet they will be placed right here where everyone can see them!
The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
If You've Been A Victim Of "Hala Pickford"
...TELL THE COURT SYSTEM ABOUT IT! Get it on public record! The more she is exposed, the more laughable it will be when she goes to court, crying that she has been victimized by people finally fighting back after years of her hateful and illegal behavior. If you have EVER been a victim of Katie Lynn Birchard or ANY of her aliases, including "Hala Kitty," "Hala Pickford," "Hala Kuromi," "Christina Craver," or "Kaja Mundy," PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT!
As SOON as possible, FAX a letter and any referenced proof you can find to:
Reference Number: ESO 14096
This would ideally be sent tomorrow during business hours, Pacific Standard Time, so that a Judge may review such material on Friday morning when she goes to court. This is a Burbank Court House number, and all material becomes public record, meaning a judge will have this material for review EACH time a related issue is brought up. We have already sent nearly 1 Dozen pages of documentation, but everyone needs to SPEAK UP! If you'd like us to send it for you, we will happily do so. You may send it as an attachment or direct text to our email address, which is:
Thank you to all for the continued support!
The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
As SOON as possible, FAX a letter and any referenced proof you can find to:
Reference Number: ESO 14096
This would ideally be sent tomorrow during business hours, Pacific Standard Time, so that a Judge may review such material on Friday morning when she goes to court. This is a Burbank Court House number, and all material becomes public record, meaning a judge will have this material for review EACH time a related issue is brought up. We have already sent nearly 1 Dozen pages of documentation, but everyone needs to SPEAK UP! If you'd like us to send it for you, we will happily do so. You may send it as an attachment or direct text to our email address, which is:
Thank you to all for the continued support!
The "EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") To Seek Order Of Restraint!
Adding yet another classic "Hala" behavior to her long list of "WHAT THE FUCK'S," Katie has decided that SHE is the victim, and is seeking an order of restraint in a California Court Room. She comes armed, her chubby clutches full of our comments, whining that people are posting her legal name, and other facts about her. Um, hey... YOU HAVE BEEN DOING THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE FOR YEARS! HOW DOES IT FEEL, WOMAN!?
A part of us are EXTREMELY ECSTATIC. We're not going to lie, the fact that she is FINALLY feeling how we have all felt for years puts an endless smile across our faces. Whether she wins or not, the blogging will continue; until the day she removes every trashy word from every one of her blogs. There a dozens who have offered to carry the torch, saving all of these entries for re-posting, where the world can continue to see what a manipulative, conniving, trifling little bitch that she really is.
On another happy note, we recently received a letter from a MAJOR player in the silent film community. They gave us a literal treasure of information on Katie, including the names of even MORE of her victims. We have contacted them, and are awaiting their input. The letter writer, of course requested public anonymity and concluded the letter with the following statement: "...I have no wish to be associated in any way in people's minds with Hala Pickford/Katie Lynn Birchard." AMEN TO THAT!
We have also had an outpouring of support from a large number of people whom have agreed to testify on our behalf in court, should the need arise. Katie goes to court this Friday for her restraining order hearing. We're sure she will have the "outcome" plastered all over her blogs, and of course, we will be posting the actual court records here.
The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
A part of us are EXTREMELY ECSTATIC. We're not going to lie, the fact that she is FINALLY feeling how we have all felt for years puts an endless smile across our faces. Whether she wins or not, the blogging will continue; until the day she removes every trashy word from every one of her blogs. There a dozens who have offered to carry the torch, saving all of these entries for re-posting, where the world can continue to see what a manipulative, conniving, trifling little bitch that she really is.
On another happy note, we recently received a letter from a MAJOR player in the silent film community. They gave us a literal treasure of information on Katie, including the names of even MORE of her victims. We have contacted them, and are awaiting their input. The letter writer, of course requested public anonymity and concluded the letter with the following statement: "...I have no wish to be associated in any way in people's minds with Hala Pickford/Katie Lynn Birchard." AMEN TO THAT!
We have also had an outpouring of support from a large number of people whom have agreed to testify on our behalf in court, should the need arise. Katie goes to court this Friday for her restraining order hearing. We're sure she will have the "outcome" plastered all over her blogs, and of course, we will be posting the actual court records here.
The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
"Hala Pickford" - Fraud
"Rudolph Valentino: A Wife's Memories of an Icon" - Page 220 (Excerpt) by "Hala Pickford" |
As you can see, Ms. Pickford's books are riddled with the same lousy writing style bad grammar, and double standards. (All in our very humble opinions, of course.) She was apparently upset that a number of authors have speculated that Mr. Valentino may be gay. These other authors are referred to as "mentally ill" in the above book because of this speculation AND SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED BY NAME. Professionals don't do this. As I've said before, I've personally never caught Valentino with a cock in his mouth. I've never found a personal diary full of his rampant vagina escapades either, and considering the man has been dead for 85 years, I doubt that Perez Hilton will be putting up any "evidence" of his sexuality, one way or the other, any time soon.
In this book, "Hala" BOLDLY declares: "If no other author will say it then I will: Valentino was straight. 100% bonafide straight with no maybes..." Well, Ms. "Pickford." Either you have some hard proof that none of the other Valentino authors have seen, or you were a VERY lucky woman in a past life.
We expect "Hala" to start whining that we are stealing her "work" and posting it here. Well, Ms. Birchard, that simply isn't the case. We checked with the copyright office and kept the words quoted below the maximum allotted, gave the book and page credit, quoted it in our "review" and gave the "author" credit. We are actually thinking of wasting the money to purchase the entire book, JUST so that we can do a page by page "review" for our readers!
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Monday, July 26, 2010
How YOU Can Help Rid The World Of Hala Pickford's Hate
We have received dozens of letters asking how various people and groups can help us in this fight against Hate. This fight is simple. "Hala Pickford" can not stand her homophobic, hateful, libelous and untruths being exposed here and in other public blogs. We ALL need to be vigilant in our peaceful fight and recruit others to help us permanently modify the behavior of "Hala" and others like her.
What can you do? It's simple. Boycott all works by "Hala Pickford." Call/write her publisher and tell them to stop carrying works by hatemongors like herself. Write Amazon.com and tell them about your Boycott of ALL works by "Hala Pickford" and "1921 PVG Publishing." Take away her platform for hate, homophobia, lies and scandal. Expose her hateful blogs for what they are, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, rally the troops.
When "Hala" goes to court on August 6th, 2010 in Burbank, California, WE will be there with all of our supporters to rally against hate. We will show our support for Tracy Terhune, who has rightfully & boldly sued Katie Lynn Birchard for more than $25,000. We will be carrying signs and banners, letting her know that she has an obligation to publish truth and as an author, can not use her outlets to support hate & homophobia. We will be bringing Boomboxes and playing her "music" loudly for everyone outside the courthouse to hear. We have called TMZ and other media outlets to cover the story. We have contacted several "Tolerance" groups, such as NOH8 to rally their support against homophobia and bigotry.
We would love to invite you to be a part of our demonstration. No violence or criminal acts of any kind will be tolerated. This is intended to be a loud, but peaceful demonstration. Every person is entitled to their personal beliefs and opinions, however, when such opinions are presented as irrefutable fact or impose on the rights of other human beings, they become inappropriate. Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has tried to force her views down others' throats for the better part of a decade. Please join us in putting a stop to hate.
If you'd like to be a part of our rally, please show up at 7:30am on 08/06/2010 at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91502 to show your SUPPORT FOR TRACY TERHUNE. We encourage attendees to bring signage, denouncing hate and homophobia as well as Boomboxes. CD's featuring "Hala's" "work" will be distributed free of charge to anyone in need.
In the meantime, check out all of "Hala Pickford's" affiliates and send them a message. Ask them why they associate with hate, lies, homophobia and libel. Send them the link to this blog, and tell them to contact us with any questions. Let's bring these issues to light EVERYWHERE she tries to hide.
- A&F Productions
- Affairs Valentino
- Ambassador Archive
- Claro Color Silent Photos
- Dawns Chicks Flicks
- Dear Old Hollywood
- Echo Park Walking Tour
- Film Sites Preservation
- German Silent Film Blog
- Hollywood Heyday
- LA Conservancy
- LA Heritage
- LA Historic Theatre Foundation
- Official Silent Film Wiki
- Seraphic Press
- Shorpy's Hi Def Photo Blog
- Silent Comedians Site and Forum
- Silent Film Magazine Digital Library
- Silent Movie Theatre
- Silent Stanzas
- Silent Volume
- Terminal Sigma
- The Art Deco Society of Los Angeles
- The Silent Movie Blog
- The Silent Society
- They Had Faces Then
- Turner Classic Movies
- Valentino Silent Film Forums
The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Saturday, July 24, 2010
"Hala Pickford" Quote Of The Day
"Bret may be mentally ill, but these people truly are spineless. If you hate someone why not just ignore them? Instead of obsessively telling everyone how horrible they are and handing lunatics their private information?" - Katie Lynn Birchard, (AKA "Hala Pickford")
Yes, "Ms. Pickford." Please tell us why you must obsessively tell the world how horrible people are, instead of just ignoring them? We were wondering the very same thing. We patiently await your response.
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon,
Boycott "Forget The Talkies!" NO MORE HATE & SCANDAL!
On Thursday, March 20th, 2008, "Miss Pickford" launched her website "Forget The Talkies!" The supposed premise for the site was great; an introduction of silent film to a new, fresh audience. The problem is that the world was not only introduced to silent film, but to "Silent Movie Guide Diva," Miss Pickford. In her very first entry, she refers to anyone whom doesn't share her "factual" opinion on silent film a "jerk," "moron," "troll," or "retard." She refers to "their" edits as "gossip & untruth." WOW, "Hala." What exactly do you call your lovely blog? Gospel? Oh, excuse us. We must be one of the retards you were referring to.
The problem with her blog is that when it's good, it's pretty damned good, but when it's bad, it's terrible. If "Hala Pickford" could have spent more time researching factual information on silent film stars, the studios they came from and the movies they made, she could have EASILY become one of the go-to people for a subject she's obviously passionate about.
Instead, she spends most of her time trying to interject her opinion about a particular silent stars sexuality, why she was delayed in writing about a particular movie or subject and many other things no one gives two fucks about. If you're going to write a blog about factual things, don't make it read like a Freshmen school girls' diary. The last time I checked, no one caught Valentino with a cock in his mouth. On the flip side, I very much doubt that anyone has any factual evidence of his love for pussy either. His sexuality is irrelevant. He was arguably a petty thief, but in an effort to "untarnish" his legacy, "Hala" insists that he was squeaky clean, and in love with females. Her blog is fueled by emotion and NOT fact. If you read the entries, she admittedly gives plugs to certain people who've supported her and attempts to debunk the credibility of anyone that doesn't.
As of late, the blog has turned to complete trash, verging on the brink of hysterical writing. There are more blogs about David Bret and Tracy Terhune than there are about silent film. The blog is full of hate, homophobia, untruth and scandal.
Boycott "Forget The Talkies!" There is nothing worth reading there anymore, I'm afraid.
Forget The Talkies,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
A Vital Lesson In America's 1st Amendment Rights
Katie Lynn Birchard seemed to have missed the gravy train when it comes to the USA 1st Amendment. You know, the whole "freedom of speech" nonsense and all of that. "Hala Pickford" clearly hasn't taken a history lesson either.
The nice thing about America is you can say whatever you want, provided it's being spoken as an opinion and not a fact. If you present a "fact" about someone, it must be factual. "Hala" presents absolute bullshit as the Gospel Truth. It's quite obvious to most that she exaggerates, embellishes and flat out lies, but to the casual reader, stumbling upon her blog, it can make for an alarming discovery. In our very humble opinion, "Hala Pickford" is a cunt. We believe her to by psychologically imbalanced, sexually frustrated and of a nature to butt her nose into matters that are none of her fucking business. Granted, we can't legally present this information as fact, we DO have the information that we have gathered and based our research on that will more than likely lead you, the viewer, to the same opinion. We have never posted any of her information that would violate the law. i.e. Social Security Number, Home Address, Personal Phone Number, Email Addresses, etc. We have only provided you, the reader, with information that can easily be found using Google, Yahoo and other search engines. We present letters featuring opinions of others that have met the bitch in person, giving you insight into how she is perceived by others. Granted, the opinions are never favorable, that shouldn't be a reason to let her hide behind her aliases and screen names, should it? We didn't think so either.
I'm guessing that "Hala" has read the Perez Hilton blog. She's probably heard of TMZ and a slew of other blogs that frequently say things, expose things and show things via picture and video that NONE of the subjects would care for. Perez makes a habit of drawing penises and "cum" on the face of celebrities as well as exposing some of the most famous people in the world in ways that would make the Pope blush.
So we say to "Hala:" Grin and bear it, bitch. You ordered this shit storm, now roll in it.
The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team.
The nice thing about America is you can say whatever you want, provided it's being spoken as an opinion and not a fact. If you present a "fact" about someone, it must be factual. "Hala" presents absolute bullshit as the Gospel Truth. It's quite obvious to most that she exaggerates, embellishes and flat out lies, but to the casual reader, stumbling upon her blog, it can make for an alarming discovery. In our very humble opinion, "Hala Pickford" is a cunt. We believe her to by psychologically imbalanced, sexually frustrated and of a nature to butt her nose into matters that are none of her fucking business. Granted, we can't legally present this information as fact, we DO have the information that we have gathered and based our research on that will more than likely lead you, the viewer, to the same opinion. We have never posted any of her information that would violate the law. i.e. Social Security Number, Home Address, Personal Phone Number, Email Addresses, etc. We have only provided you, the reader, with information that can easily be found using Google, Yahoo and other search engines. We present letters featuring opinions of others that have met the bitch in person, giving you insight into how she is perceived by others. Granted, the opinions are never favorable, that shouldn't be a reason to let her hide behind her aliases and screen names, should it? We didn't think so either.
I'm guessing that "Hala" has read the Perez Hilton blog. She's probably heard of TMZ and a slew of other blogs that frequently say things, expose things and show things via picture and video that NONE of the subjects would care for. Perez makes a habit of drawing penises and "cum" on the face of celebrities as well as exposing some of the most famous people in the world in ways that would make the Pope blush.
So we say to "Hala:" Grin and bear it, bitch. You ordered this shit storm, now roll in it.
The "Expose Katie Lynn Birchard" Team.
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Thursday, July 22, 2010
We Missed You!
Yes, it's true... For about 30 minutes this blog was completely offline. Utterly destroyed at the push of a button. Katie Lynn Birchard attempted to con us by telling us she'd delete her rubbish if we'd extinguish this blog. We thought, in the best interest of all the parties involved, that we would delete everything; give everyone a chance to get back to 'normal."
Long story short... Katie (AKA "Hala Pickford") lied through her teeth. She deleted bits and pieces of what she felt like deleting and basically told us to fuck off on the rest of the deal. ...SO HERE WE ARE AGAIN! ...AND WE WON'T BE SO EASILY FOOLED NEXT TIME!
According to another one of Katie's victims, the Burbank Police Detective that they have been in contact warned them to not delete anything or agree to anything until she had met the terms of her end of the deal, as she's been known to be shady in the past. WOW. What a surprise. Katie wouldn't follow through. That's fine though! We are back and better than ever!
Long story short... Katie (AKA "Hala Pickford") lied through her teeth. She deleted bits and pieces of what she felt like deleting and basically told us to fuck off on the rest of the deal. ...SO HERE WE ARE AGAIN! ...AND WE WON'T BE SO EASILY FOOLED NEXT TIME!
According to another one of Katie's victims, the Burbank Police Detective that they have been in contact warned them to not delete anything or agree to anything until she had met the terms of her end of the deal, as she's been known to be shady in the past. WOW. What a surprise. Katie wouldn't follow through. That's fine though! We are back and better than ever!
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Katie Lynn Birchard Influences Cohorts, Spreading Fake Scandal & Lies
One of Katie Lynn Birchard's "Signature Traits" is to follow her victims via the internet, whether it be through their job, their social networking sites, their webpages, etc. She likes to pick random people from each site to contact regarding the subjects' "bad habits."
Recently, I discovered this blog, assumingly written by Zachary Jaydon. In the blog, Jaydon discusses his issues with two individuals whom were contacted by Ms. Birchard. They were admittedly fed her lies via her "Fraud Files" blog on the aforementioned subject.
In reading this, I became curious to put some rumors to rest, and see if there were indeed any shenanigans that went down or didn't go down. I contacted the public emails I could find for the GleeFan website. I wrote them the following:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am doing some research on Mr. Zachary Jaydon for a blog I'm putting together and stumbled upon your blog referencing him. Can you please clarify some of your points, as well as source your references for me, so that I may do further research? Thank you for your time.
I received the following back two days later:
I am going to be removing the post on UltimateGleeks and Zachary Jaydon. A woman calling herself Hala wrote to us telling us that he was a major scam artist and that we needed to expose him on our site. She said his account was fake and that he was trying to steal money from us. I forwarded the email from her to our site owner and he flipped out too. We copied the information from her blog and added our own assumtions to it. zach made a bunch of points on his blog about us. He never told me his last name ro really did anything to me personally. I just got scared. Now I just wish all the negative info on us was gone. We don't really know anything about him. We just know we don't want to work together. It trashes our credibilaty. Tell him we will take ours down if he takes his down.
ps, I checked the ip adresses and a bunch of the bad comments on the site came from the popstress ip.
Well, now isn't that interesting? Katie has been tracking several individuals this way; trying to weasel her way into spreading lies through various other websites that all seem to indicate they are receiving their information from her. Shame on stupid people (Gleefan.com, Rob, Travis etc.) for not fact checking ANY of their information. We have written Ben Bledsoe as well as others to see what they have to say about Zachary Jaydon. We will keep you posted. Below is Jaydon's entire blog entry addressing Katie and the GleeFan.com owners:
The TRUTH Behind Robert Black (@GleekRob) & Travis Yee (@gleeks) GleeFan.com is the REAL Scam!
Dear Gleeks,
It pains me to even be addressing the issues I'm about to discuss. I don't like scandal and I DON'T like drama. Gossip was never to be the focus or feature of my Twitter account. At first, I was content to just let Robert Black (@GleekRob on Twitter) and Travis Yee (@gleeks & @yeebie on Twitter) make asses of themselves over this so called "Scandal" with the @UltimateGleeks Twitter page and its supposed owner(s). After repeated attempts to maliciously slander my name and create chaos, disunity and distrust in the Glee Community, I can not remain silent any longer. They feel like a Twitter, Google & Internet Blog war is appropriate. I'd just like to stop the drama for good with real facts.
Since February 25th, Robert and Travis have worked tirelessly to force me to delete the @UltimateGleeks Twitter Account. To set the record straight on a few things:
I NEVER rigged a contest. Ever. When talking to Robert Black (@GleekRob) about the contests I wanted to hold, he told me that Travis wanted to have the prizes sent to him, so that he could "be sure they went out." He told me Travis used to rig contests all the time, so that only his friends would win them and that way, he'd never have to send anything out. I told Robert I wasn't comfortable sending our prizes to Travis (@gleeks) if he had a history of cheating the Gleeks out of promised prizes.
I NEVER TOLD ROBERT BLACK ANYTHING PERSONAL ABOUT MYSELF, including, my last name, my place of residence, my place of birth, my sexuality, religious affiliation, any organizations I may belong to, or any other private information. When I talked to Robert, it was in regards to Glee exclusively. I never told him I worked for Fox Television in ANY caliber and I would challenge him to find any proof (REAL PROOF, not just someone saying so) of that accusation. I would also LOVE for Robert Black to find ANY legal or reliable documentation that I am in ANY way tied to a "Jaydon Paull." (There isn't any... none, anywhere...) I am also of NO relation and have NO knowledge of "Skyler Morgan," "Skylar Morgan," "Joshua Christiansen," "Jonathon Trager," or "Patricia Krownwell."
I made a call to the United States Social Security Office to find out how many people with the name Jaydon Paull and Zachary Jaydon are in the United States alone, just to make a point. There are 23 Jaydon Paulls, 7 Jaydon D. Paulls, and dozens more in other spelling variations. There are also 9 Zachary Jaydons in the US. There are a number of them with social networking pages and references to others all over the internet. When researching IMDB, the only thing I came up with was a Zachary Jayden who is a Gay Adult Porn Star. I'm wondering how long it will be before that becomes another one of the accusations against me? For the record, I have never worked in porn, either.
In continuing my research, I called the Clerk of Courts for Greene County, Ohio, which was referenced in his article. I asked about the subject, as well as the details of the case, etc. I was told by the Clerk of Courts that she "had nothing in her system on the subject in question."
After that, I called the director of Prison Systems in the State of Montana. I asked the same questions about whether there was or had ever been a Zachary Jaydon or Jaydon Paull in the Montana Prison System at any time, ever. I was also told "No." There is some evidence of a Jaydon Paull being put on probation in 2000 for a 1998 case and a van crash related to the probation, but when I called the attorney for the Jaydon Paull listed in the article I only got a "No Comment." I called the District Attorney for the county referenced in the article and got the same "No Comment." The State Attorneys' Office in Helena, Montana gave me "No Comment" as well. So far we have a "Jaydon Paull" being on probation from a 1998 Theft charge in Montana and that at some point they were involved in a van crash resulting in a lawsuit. That was all the information that I could verify after doing nearly 8 hours of investigation.
The supposed Blog Entries that are referenced lead to nothing. There is no blog and no cache of the blog when you click on the links. I am not sure what is being referenced here, so I can't comment on it specifically. I can tell you that the blog referenced in his update sounds like it's written by a 10 year, uneducated, scourned woman. If that is reliable information, I'd question his Glee news.
The Wikipedia link that is referenced is merely lists a "delete and salt" result. In doing further investigation, the former article read like a dozen 12 year olds fighting over a toy. There was nothing of any reference to one single person, but more of people fighting over whether one person was linked to another, who wrote a specific song, etc. None of the comments had any bearing on the @UltimateGleeks Twitter account whatsoever.
Travis Yee and Robert Black have made dozens of accusations that are completely untrue and malicious in intent. Travis and Rob aren't looking out for you. They are looking out ONLY for themselves; For what they believe to be in their best interest. Rob told me on NUMEROUS occasions that Travis was extremely intimidated by the fact that we had over 17,500 new followers within weeks of setting up the account. He told me that Travis was afraid that we would attempt to sell Glee merchandise, cutting into his profits. Rob walks a very fine line with Travis, as Travis owns the website that Rob runs. If Travis changes the server login information, Rob no longer has access to the site. Rob said many times that he didn't want to piss Travis off, and before this huge "Scandal" had said on many occasions that he didn't like Travis and avoided talking to him whenever possible. He has extreme dislike for Rowelle, (@GleePodcast) calling him a "fat bitch" and questioning why there are next to no pictures of him online, (also out of his own mouth) so how he ended up teaming up with them is more than I'd care to guess. When Robert tried to pull me into the Drama he had with Travis, Rowelle and his other 17 year old cohorts, I always bluntly told him that I wasn't going to change the way I did things for anyone, that I didn't want any part of the drama between them. He admits in his post that I've never scammed him out of anything, but questions what I may "do" in the future?
When Robert brought up himself being gay and obsessed with Cory Monteith, feeling super skinny because he was only 115 pounds, being insecure about his singing, etc. I tried to encourage him, explaining to him that I wasn't around to judge him, only to work with him to bring people Glee news. I intentionally avoided the subject of my personal life, because of the amount of time he spent making negative comments about some of his others partners.
To Travis Yee, you Gleeks are NOTHING more than money in the bank. The @gleeks account is just one of the MANY "fandoms" that Travis Yee runs exclusively to cash in on current fads/trends. (He currently owns fansites for David Cook, David Archuleta, Chris Daughtry, Aaron Kelly as well as having GleeForum.com, GleeSongs.com, GleeFan.com and many others.) When was the last time he RT'd or @replied anything to or for you? The reason the @gleeks account has as many followers as it does is because he was the FIRST person to set up a Glee Twitter account, (Even before @GleeOnFox) also misleading followers by putting the word "Official" in the account description and the official font in his graphic. (Travis has since removed the "official" after this posting.) The @gleeks account is no more official than ANY OTHER Glee Fan Account, and the information posted therein is CERTAINLY not the best. The content is mediocre and for a good amount of time, his Tweets were identically mirroring mine, hours and sometimes even days after I posted them. Other than Tweeting sporadically about only major Glee announcements, he posts links to his personal stores and other Glee fandom pages, selling unofficial Glee merchandise such as the T-Shirts located here. (http://280706.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs) The @GleeSongs account is a page that has been set up with download links that Travis makes money on EVERY time you purchase a song from it. The bottom line is money. Every time you buy a Glee T-Shirt from http://280706.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs, you are putting money in Travis' bank account. Every time you go to the @GleeSongs account to purchase music from the show, you put money in Travis' bank account. Every time you click on a Google Ad on www.GleeFan.com money is made for Travis or Rob. When the hype dies down or the money dries up, the @gleeks page will cease to feature new content and will stop being active.
Most of the so called "proof" links don't actually lead anywhere. Most of them are dead links entirely. It seems insane to me for Robert to post a "disclaimer" at the end of the blog entry stating in essence, "I'm sorry if there are incorrect details in the post and none of the details above can be proven or verified, but they're all true." It seems very convenient that he is using the @UltimateGleeks account as a scapegoat for any and all inaccurate information that he has posted in the past, as well as the lack of consistency in their contests, etc. Are we REALLY to believe that the ip addresses were not photo shopped into the graphic linked to in the post. This blog post REEKS of malice. There is nothing noble or good intentioned in this crap. The entire point of this entry was to defame my character and eliminate any possible competition.
I do get DOZENS of tips and spoilers emailed to me on a daily basis. I do my very best to verify the accuracy of this information BEFORE putting it up, although I do occasionally make mistakes. I may hint that a big announcement is coming, while researching the accuracy before I put it up, but if I can't confirm it, I put it up as a "rumor" on the site. I mentioned SEVERAL of the rumors I was hearing to Rob, and he was excited to Tweet them. He asked if he should post them and I told him that he was welcome to post whatever he liked, also telling him that I wouldn't be posting it until I could confirm the information as true. ROBERT needs to learn to be accountable for the information that he is providing to you. He can't expect to put blame on anyone else because of information that HE IS PERSONALLY posting to www.GleeFan.com. It is HIS responsibility to fact-check EVERY piece of information that he is posting on the site. That responsibility falls on NO ONE ELSE. He even went as far as saying that if it turned out to be untrue information, that he could pull it down after-the-fact. I told him that was a "gossip blogger" way to do things and refused to be a "TMZ" or "Perez Hilton" of the Glee community. When you post negative comments about someone in the form of print with no proof and an intent to defame a person or groups character it is called "Libel." It is illegal. I have filed criminal charges with authorities in Robert's state of residence, (Virginia) Travis' state of residence (Nevada) as well as my own. I have also notified the server hosting the blog. I was told that the blog would be most likely shut down in response and is also being removed from Google and Yahoo searches indefinitely.
So, In response to the www.GleeFan.com blog I say to all of the Gleeks of the world...
Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER asked you for money or tried to sell you ANYTHING?
Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER tried to tell you that we were working for or directly associated in ANY way with Fox Television as an employee or otherwise?
Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER posted negative information of ANY nature Prior To This Post?
Have I or anyone associated with the @UltimateGleeks page EVER posted defamatory or libelous comments or remarks directed at ANYONE Prior To Addressing These Issues?
The answer to ALL of these questions is NO.
We HAVE provided our followers with current, relevant & accurate information on Glee, its' Cast Members and Crew in a timely manner. We've hosted a number of HONEST and well meaning contests to spread the word about Glee to those that love the show and to get the attention of those that need to hear about it for the first time. We have done our best to be inclusive of ALL fans and encouraging to ALL that come to our page everyday. We have made an honest attempt to bring together the Glee community and let everyone know that we are ALL in the same boat. We are all here because we love Glee. PerezHilton.com should be your source for Gossip, Scandal, Dissension & Hate. As Iqbal Theba (Principle Figgins) said in response to the posting... "I don't like journalism that thrives on scandals and gossip." Glee is about LOVE. Glee is about accepting each others differences and looking past physical likeness, sexual orientation, color, race, creed, hobby and handicap.
We read EVERY @Reply, Direct Message & Email that is sent to us, and do our very best to respond in a timely manner. You are NOT money in the bank for us. We are NOT going to quit bringing you the best Glee information we can. We aren't deleting the @UltimateGleeks account. We have an entire community of Glee sites being built to bring you the best of everything Glee related. We will NOT be posting anything further on this ridiculous scandal and from here on out. I hope that the entire Glee community will stand with me in saying that we are NOT going to continue to tear each other down, but build each other up. Our followers are not going down, but only up. We have nearly 18,000 as we post this and hope many more people to tune in. "Glee is about opening yourself up to joy." We ALL need to raise the bar. Let's not ever forget the real reason we fell in love with the show in the first place. I hope you are looking forward to April 13th as much as we are. We hope that you keep following us and are always looking for ways to improve.
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") Quote(s) Of The Day...
Attention ALL "Kookies" & "Flying Monkey's" in the World! PLEASE STOP BEING MEAN & NASTY TO KATIE LYNN BIRCHARD! It's not nice to pick on her, slap her with six-figure lawsuits and give her panic attacks at will. It's just not nice at all. Ask Katie. She'll tell you herself. Oh, wait... She did tell us. She told the World. See verbatim comments, right from the "horses" mouth, below.
"I'm so sick of these loons. Taking all the legal action I can. Why am I posting these death threats? Because I take them seriously. And if anything happens to me I want the world to know." - Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") - 07/12/201
"I moved last weekend. Send your threats and lawsuits elsewhere...
...Currently recieving very specific death threats from David Bret. Hope the sick crowd of 10 is happy with themselves:" - Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") - 07/12/2010
"They don't bother me though. There is justice in this world and the next. Gay, straight, or attracting to throw pillows I'm sure Rudolph Valentino would be greatly shocked, saddened, disgusted, and offended wherever he is right now. Go sniff your shirts and stroke your collectibles; you're all sick." - Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") - 07/12/2010
"Tracy Terhune is screwing me with his money... I still can't get a lawyer. And no one will help me. I'm being harassed via the court system. But I won't give up... Good God does no one out there know a lawyer who may have a soul? I'd appreciate any help or references I could get. And I will smack anyone who says 'legal aid' (Terhune sued me just 'so' that legal aid does not help.)" - Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA "Hala Pickford") - 07/12/2010
Katie. Dearest Katie. You JUST DON'T get it! Tracy Terhune isn't "screwing you with his money." Tracy Terhune is taking you to court. There was NO truth to your contention in pleading for a restraining order against Terhune; that Tracy Terhune approached you in a threatening manner at the Silent Movie Theater. In fact, you ADMITTED in court at the proceeding that you had never even SEEN Terhune before you saw him in the courtroom that day. THAT is precisely why a restraining order was NEVER granted.
Terhune is suing you legally and rightfully so. You aren't being "harassed" by the court system any more than you are being harassed by Terhune, Jaydon, Bret, Birchard, Cinecon, Birchard, Merrivale, Grace, Hill, Neely or ANY of the others you are claiming are "out to get you." No one is trying to "take your sanity." Trust me. That would be as futile as trying to steal snow from the Bahamian skies. There isn't anything to take. What we ARE trying to take is our lives back; our image and our reputations. You are so concerned with the inundating amounts of "death threats" you claim to receive on a daily basis, yet you refuse to take simple steps to remedy the problem.
From all whom we've talked to, no one wants to kill you. Everyone seems fine with the idea of you being dead, but no one wants to be the one to do it. If you stop for a moment and ponder the mere idea... is it really normal to have crowds of people hoping you will die? Reevaluate your situation, Katie. You've obviously outraged a significant amount of people, including nearly EVERYONE in your "career" field. Seasoned professionals Doesn't this send up any "red flags" in your mind? People "have no wish to be associated in any way in people's minds with Hala Pickford/Katie Lynn Birchard."
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Monday, July 19, 2010
Kaja Mundy (AKA "Hala Pickford") Quote Of The Day...
"I admit that on this site alone I'm a ball of controversy! Heck at school, and home too! That's just my nature! Yes I can be a bit immature but who at some point isn't? And yes somethings I say I shouldn't have..." - Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA, "Kaja Mundy") 12/19/2000
YOU SAID IT, "Queen Crazy!"
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Katie Lynn Birchard's Decade-Long History Of Hate & Lashing Out
Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA Hala Pickford, AKA Hala Kitty, AKA Hala Kuromi, AKA Kaja Mundy?) has a more than decade long history with trashing on ANYONE that disagrees with her views in a public setting. As per her current Modus Operandi, she of course, also hid behind an online alias at the tender age of 13; when she was barely 13 years old, she was lashing out at *NSYNC fans in various chat rooms and forums. Her online alter-ego at age 13; Kaja Mundy (Queen Crazy) (christinacraver87). This was taken word for word from a post on 12/19/2000. It is the complete post and unedited. Please pay special attention to sections in bold.
"I am an Anti NSYNC person. Now I post this cause of some experinces on yahoo and not here so this isn't an attack on you guys! I'm a member to an anti NSYNC club there and my alias is christinacraver87. Well in this club the NSYNC fans would come in call us bad names and yell at us. Personally. Never about our beliefs just us. And so one day I went into the biggest NSYNC club and joined so I could post. I asked them to stop attacking us but in the midst I bashed NSYNC a little. Well they started attacking me personally and acted as if I had attacked them. So in the heat of things I attacked them. But then I felt bad and said sorry. And I asked them to do the same. Only 2 people of like the 10 who attacked me read it and only 1 of them said sorry! Now if this doesn't sound pathetic might I add these people were like 20 years old! Now they also attacked my age and was calling me a brat, retard, ...etc. Well this really angered me but I quit going to that club and sides I think they delted my membership. Now why am I posting this? Its because I think people my age who tell that they are my age on the computer get treated like crap. On this website some people who at first didn't like me went after my age too. One who never would make up with me said that kids shouldn't be aloud on the computer. Now the reason I don't lie about my age is many reasons actually. First I think its silly to come on the internet and pretend to be someone you're not. Also when I'm looking for band deals and such I think they need to know how old I really am. Now I do see the reason for security. Thats why I use a fake name (as I've admitted my real name is not Kaja Mundy but Katie Birchard.) Now my best reason for telling my real age is because I want to give a good rap to people my age. Some people who are now my friends on this site are like almost 40 years old and never talked to people my age. But they read a story or a poem or comment of mine and thought I was very nice. And I am. And so are a lot of people. At that yahoo club they acted like I showed I was 13 cause I acted like it. Thats what some of them said. And why is that so horrible? I admit that on this site alone I'm a ball of controversy! Heck at school, and home too! That's just my nature! Yes I can be a bit immature but who at some point isn't? And yes somethings I say I shouldn't have and I apoligize for those cause I fell bad about them. I know a lot of people my age who try to hide it. And the ones who don't are very nice. My debate here is what do you think? Do you place prejudice sometimes on a person for their beliefs? Do you look at 13 year olds and think they are a waste of time and such? Just waondering.-Kaja aka Queen Crazy"Identical in her present day rants, Katie refuses to accept responsibility for any of her actions, even after admitting that she's in the wrong. She gets so wrapped up in making asinine comments and accusations, that she forgets who started the problem in the first place. Katie obviously hasn't learned, even in adult-hood, that you can't go around attacking people all the while expecting nothing in return. She focuses in the above on her age. It's not about your age, woman, it's about your inappropriate behavior, which has obviously remained unchanged a decade later. Stop coming up with excuses for why you're being "picked on" and change your immature behavior. Stop hiding behind ridiculous online aliases and accept responsibility for YOUR actions. You constantly accuse others of having "multiple personalities," but your AKA's read like a 60 year old career criminal. Let's modify this behavior, Katie Lynn!
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
Katie Birchard (Hala Pickford) Is Just "Too Busy" For Civility & Resolution...
Five days ago, we reached out to Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA Hala Pickford) regarding a permanent and agreeable resolution for ALL parties involved in her hateful, libelous, and gossip filled rants involving more than a dozen people. We, unfortunately, got the same things we expect from Katie Lynn; more hate, libel, homophobic slurs & stalling antics. In response to our very public plea to Katie Lynn, she responded twenty minutes later with an arrogant email, including this rant:
"I am agreeing to remove the Fraud Files (pending I can remember the login information; I have only used it once) the Boycott Bret site, in return for the removal of your fake Expose and the Angry corner. Per the truce via the detective I will no longer discuss either of you; as long as myself and Evelyn are not discussed (nor our work) on any of your sites or future sites.I will not follow a whole bunch of hoops. I will simply delete the site and account and be done with it. If I have time I will send an email; but judging by your fanatical checkings you'll figure it out soon enough. In return I simply expect the same in return: the angry corner and fraud files and music site gone. An email to alert me if possible.I will not go through FTT and piss around removing references. I will not remove a damn thing about Terhune, he can battle me in court for it and he will not win. In return I ask Bret remove his most recent postings about me on his regular site (including his death threat), and all further back ones (we'll say anything predating June 15th) can remain.This is a fair and equal proposition. You would both be wise to take it. And as for Terhune, well, he can see how well this will look in court."
Katie Lynn Birchard CLEARLY does NOT understand the seriousness of her situation. She expects a half-assed deletion of whichever of her hate-filled rants that she so chooses to remove, depending on her "free time" and leisure. Katie, YOU ARE going to "piss around" if you EVER expect a resolution of ANY sort from those that you have hurt with your lies.
I responded via email, by saying:
No dice.
I expect a follow-up with sites you have fed any information on the previously mentioned parties. I also don't want to hear anything about "Pending you can find..." Find it. You created it. Uncreate it. Click the forgot your password link for any site in question. That's what they are there for. Ego is not driving these requests. Everyone around you is in survival mode. All of us want to forget about this drama and wipe it out completely. Keep that in mind as the final goal. Without the absolute removal of ALL information, there is always something to reference it to, keeping this vicious cycle going. None of us are willing to remain in this cycle. It ALL needs to go, Katie. All of it. You jumped through hundreds of hoops to find, create and make this happen to start with. Now you'll have to jump backwards through any hoops necessary to undo what you did. You created a monster, and now it's eating you alive.
I don't think you realize the seriousness of what is happening all around you. The "truce" with the detective, as you call it, is a nice away of law enforcement documenting the issues at hand, and trying to avoid paperwork in the future. You are being sued for 6 figures currently, as well as a gaggle of pending civil lawsuits and a criminal investigation. Whether or not you choose to believe this, that is the reality of the situation. Several others of us are in the process of filing civil and criminal complaints against you, and we all have paid attorneys taking care of us. Without paid legal representation, (YES, that makes a HUGE difference) I don't think you stand a chance in court. When you lose your first battle, the rest will fall like dominoes, as you will have a record of such loss that will be referred to in each subsequent trial. We are not a judge nor jury, and can't give you a definitive on what will happen in the courts, but the mere accusation will ruin your career as an author as well as is making you a laughing stock in the areas of life that you love. You self-admittedly cry without provocation and have health issues due to this lifestyle. I know you don't believe that there are very many that are upset with you, but in truth, there are many. Many more than 10.
I have heard from many that if you'd merely put away your pride and bad attitude, that you could be a very valuable asset to the silent film community. I have heard this dozens of times. If you had as much passion for your craft as you do for destroying people, you would find yourself well-liked and successful. 23 is much too young to be as jaded, bitter and hateful as you are. Start over, Katie. If you want to be Hala Pickford, be Hala Pickford. Wipe your slate and create the Hala Pickford that people can love and not hate. Give her a chance to be all that Katie Lynn Birchard couldn't be. Create your future. Stop letting hate and bitterness create a future for you.
I think you know what it feels like to be publicly humiliated and exposed as a liar, a fraud and a joke in the communities you are trying to work in and around. Take another minute to re-read our expectations of you from the previous email. Return with an exact proposition of what you are willing to and not willing to do. Return exactly what you expect. We will try to work with you from there. You need to come closer to our end of things. You're not even in the middle yet.
Thanks for the time.
Katie Lynn responded, in part by saying:
I cannot resume this bullshit until the 26th; I have real work to do and no time for this.I will be checking the sites as often as possible. I expect all of us can respect a ceasefire until further discussions take place. If one word about me or Evelyn Zumaya goes up on either of your sites between now and that time I will again end all further discussions and resume legal action instead...So again, we will resume this on the 26th. I will send an email on that date when I have more time to be back online.
My Response:
Dear Ms. Birchard,
After much thinking:
I don't feel as though you're taking this situation seriously at all. Your lack of accountability here is disgusting. This "bullshit" as you so call it, has negatively affected the lives of many people, and considering your public cries for "help" from nearly constant meltdowns, fits of pain, etc, I would think you'd take this a little more seriously. If you want your life back, take it back. Stop pussyfooting around the issues, and let's end this.
I expect consistent communication from you over the next 10 days, moving forward in the direction of a resolution. Spare me the pity party of you being so busy with "real work," and let's get this ball rolling. I expect daily updates from you on where we stand, what you expect, and what you are doing in regards to things on our end. I will not be waiting 10 days to resume a resolution of a situation that should never have taken place to begin with. If you can provide a legitimate excuse of why you can not make yourself available online for 10-15 minutes per day, I will consider an alternate solution. I refuse to believe that your "real work" schedule takes up 16+ hours of your day. We all know better.
Needless to say, I have heard nothing from Katie Lynn in 5 days, which is much more time than should have been allowed to pass without some sort of moving in the right direction. Stop pussy-footing around this issue, Katie. It's not going to go away. Make a lifestyle change, Katie and make it a priority.
Evelyn Zumaya,
Hala Kitty,
Hala Kuromi,
Hala Pickford,
Kaja Mundy,
Katie Birchard,
Katie Lynn Birchard,
Silent Films,
Zachary Jaydon
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