
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

PROOF That Katie Lynn Birchard DOES NOT Have A "Stayaway Order" Against Tra*y Terh*ne

In several recent restraining order requests, Katie Lynn Birchard perjures herself by claiming that she has a "StayAway" order against Mr. Tra*y Terh*ne.  In truth, she doesn't.  She never did.  The court even refused to issue her a temporary order while her "case" went through the California Court System.

We know this, because we have the court minutes.  In the courtroom, The Honorable Judge Dederick states the following:

"I think when you... talk about his obsessive behavior, it seems that you should turn the mirror around and look in it yourself."

Judge Dederick also goes on to say:

"With respect to the remaining orders, there is absolutely no basis for granting any of those orders.  NO STAYAWAY ORDERS ARE APPROPRIATE; NONE OF THE PERSONAL CONTACT ORDERS, with the exception of the one involving contact between the two of you."

The judge goes on to say that Tra*y could just as easily be seeking the same order, and that it was as much intended to protect him.  Katie was seeking an order of restraint, making it illegal for Tra*y Terh*ne to even attend his own functions, barring him from most silent film venues in Los Angeles, making ludicrous claims of threat and fear.

So, there you can see that Katie, yet again, twists reality to make it suit her.  She continues to tell half-truths and blatantly lie to make herself seem like the victim.  Thankfully, the Honorable Judge Dederick saw through her exaggerated claims and justice prevailed.  We will be making ALL of the court minutes for each of the public hearings available to you here for your review.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

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