
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
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Monday, August 9, 2010

In The Courtroom With Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA, "Hala Pickford")

On Friday, Katie Lynn Birchard was in a Burbank court room, yet again. After losing her first battle with Tr*cy Terh*ne, Katie was back in court, at a hearing she wasn't even supposed to appear at, demanding the judge give her more time to prepare her case, citing health reasons, also claiming she'd "JUST RECEIVED NOTICE OF HER HEARING THE DAY BEFORE!?"  We all know that's bullshit, considering it's been plastered on every website that she reads daily.  Needless to say, she attempted to get a several month hiatus of her case, citing health reasons and needing time to prep for her "case."

When you agree to represent "yourself," you become responsible for keeping track of all of your court dates and filing motions, etc on time.  It becomes your responsibility to have a reliable mailing address provided to the plaintiff's attorneys.  If you are going to hide in the back closet of your cleaning lady's house, at least make sure she reads enough English to properly give you your mail.  If you're going to move, it's your job to leave a forwarding address, when you know you're in the middle of multiple lawsuits, retraining orders, etc. These seem like common sense life choices to us.

Ms. Birchard showed up to court wearing ridiculous clothes; very baggy, low rider jeans, ass hanging out, and an inappropriate top. She waddled into court, her chubby clutches filled with THREE canvas bags full of "evidence" and documentation on why everyone in the world is crazy but her.  We were sitting just a couple of rows behind Katie in court. The court room is very small. When she got up to use the bathroom, she noticed us, and was NOT happy.  When she got back from the bathroom, she decided to move back a few rows, tripping over her own feet and nearly falling to the floor. She finally took her seat, manically huffing and puffing. (We thought she'd have a stroke.)  Her self entitlement was astounding; making demands as if she had a right to.  The judge MOST CERTAINLY recognized her, from her recent "stay away" case, pointing it out on court record.

Long story short, she was told "no" to her request for a months long hiatus. Court is again in session for September 6th, 2010  to appear in her lawsuit with Tra*y Terh*ne, whom is suing her for $100,000.00 PLUS any punitive damages the court sees fit.  We are next in line. She should be seeing her notice to appear very soon.  She will also have to make an appearance to answer her "stop harassment request" on September 10th, 2010 at 10:30am. 

We will continue to keep you posted!

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

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