
If you'd like to tell PVG Publishing about your personal BOYCOTT of ALL works by Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford,"
They can be reached by phone at: (323) 252-2565 or write to them at:

Friday, September 10, 2010

David Bret Prevails! - Katie Lynn Birchard's Frivolous Restraining Order Thrown Out!

As was expected, Katie Lynn Birchard's frivolous and unmerited restraining order against David Bret was thrown out in a Burbank, California court room today.  The hearing of her case against Bret lasted less than 5 minutes.  Katie Lynn Birchard has lost her hearings against Bret every step of the way.  Neither police departments on either side of the pond take Ms. Birchard's ravings seriously, and the American Court System have tossed out her case entirely.

Bret assures us that he will not be taking his site down and plans to open several additional sites in the coming weeks, further detailing Katie Lynn Birchard's neurotic behavior and allegedly fraudulent activities.

Katie - 0
David - 3

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

UPDATE: Battery Charges Filed Against Katie Lynn Birchard

On Wednesday, August 18th, 2010, Katie Lynn Birchard physically assaulted Ms. St*lla Gr*ce at the Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles during a rare Theda Bara screening.  Ms. Birchard was unprovoked, and Ms. Grace was caught completely off guard by the violent altercation.  Ms. Birchard was raving like a lunatic in front of a group of people, grabbing Ms. Grace's hand, saying she was "going to break it."  She also attempted several times to remove Ms. Grace's cell phone, so that Ms. Grace could not call for help.

Ms. Grace filed formal battery charges with the Burbank Police Department the following day.  Grace was immediately issued a restraining order against Katie Lynn Birchard.  Law enforcement officials attempted to serve Birchard at a non-existant address that Birchard herself had provided to the Burbank Courthouse.  The order was then modified to reflect her true address, and sent for reservice.  The Sheriff's department attempted, again unsuccessfully to serve Ms. Birchard with the restraining order, but Birchard barricaded herself inside her home, and refused to answer the door for law enforcement.  Another uninvolved party also attempted to serve Birchard with the order, but again she refused to come to the door.  She later called the police to report that someone was "yelling in her windows."  She admitted to being home when the orders were attempted to be served.  She was labeled an "evader" by the Sheriff's office.  Birchard was finally served with the order of restraint at the Burbank Courthouse today, as she waited to make her first of three appearances for various cases, including the case stemming from the above assault.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Hala Pickford" Thrown Out Of The Los Angeles Visionaries Association Due To Neurotic & Inappropriate Behavior

The Los Angeles Visionaries Association (L.A.V.A.) has asked Katie Lynn Birchard ("Hala Pickford") to stay away from all L.A.V.A. functions, and have removed her as a member because of her controversial and inappropriate behavior.  A letter was sent to Ms. Birchard informing her of the associations decision, which was permanent.

Ms. Birchard blamed the removal on everyone else, as expected.  Katie Lynn Birchard still refuses to take any responsibility for her actions.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

What We Can Expect From "Hala Pickford" Tomorrow After Multiple Court Hearings

We are officially down to the wire, folks.  In less than 24 hours, Katie Lynn Birchard will make the first of several court appearances tomorrow, with additional court appearances the following week as well  So, what can we expect from Katie in the aftermath of it all?

* BLOGGING; lots of blogging.  Regardless of the outcome of the hearings, Katie will be posting her "spin" on things, regardless of what really happens.  You can expect a huge "I WON!" blog on her sites, regardless of how small or non-existant her purported "victory" really is.  A perfect example of this, is when she was fighting Tra*y Terh*ne.  Merely hours after the hearing, in which she was denied everything she asked for, she put up a celebratory blog, in which she claimed to have a "stayaway order" in place, among other thing, all of which were untrue.  Ms. Birchard still maintains her claim to have this imaginary "stayaway order," however, such an order does not and never has existed.

* EXCUSES; lots of excuses.  When things don't go her way, Ms. Birchard will make excuse after excuse, claiming that everyone and their brothers mother-in-law screwed her with their money, buried her with their legal counsel and the like.  She will never admit failure, due to her own shortcomings or fault.  She will blame the "group of ten," the "monsters that call themselves men," Tracy, Zachary, David, Stella, Bob, Jeffry, Donna and others for conspiring against her, & the court system for their incompetence in not being able to see "it."  She will blame the police detectives for not doing their job and claim that everyone is out to get her to slander her "good name."

* HATE; lots of hate.  As per her usual habits, we fully expect Ms. Birchard to continue her tirade against the multitude of persons and groups that she currently targets.  We even expect her to add names to her "hit list." We expect her rants to assume their usual hateful, homophobic, delusional tone, filled with lies, half-truths and character-assassination attempts.  We're guessing she'll make sure to call all of her male enemies homosexual slurs, labeling the rest "kookies," "monsters," "conmen," and her favorite, "mentally ill."

What can you expect from us?  You can expect an in-depth, accurate report on all of Ms. Birchard's appearances tomorrow, including witness statements, court minutes and documents pertaining to these cases.  You can expect eye-witness accounts of all the drama and reactions inside the court room,  with a detailed account of all goings on.  We are hoping that the judge has her committed for a full psychiatric evaluation  We believe her to be a paranoid schizophrenic and would love to see her get the psychological counseling that we believe her to so desperately need.

We look forward to bringing you all the details tomorrow.

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is "Hala Pickford's" Reign Of Terror Finally Coming To An End?

In less than 48 hours, Katie Lynn Birchard will make the first of several court appearances; all on Friday, and all in front of the same judge.  In our opinion, the judge is already on to her crazy antics. lies and what we  believe is fraud.  He has already seen her multiple times, and made a comment at her last court hearing regarding her numerous appearances.  The following week, Ms. Birchard will see the same judge, yet again, in which he will settle the final details of Tra*y Terh*ne's $100,000.00 lawsuit against Ms. Birchard for Defamation of Character.

We are hoping beyond all hope that the judge will put an end to all of this and that Katie will finally realize that she can not continue down this path of self-destruction, spreading hate, lies, alleged fraud, homophobia, scandal and character assassination throughout dozens of groups and individuals.  We hope this will finally end her decade-long internet scandal against good and upstanding citizens.

The witness statements, rebuttals and evidences are stacked sky-high against Katie.  Her police inquiries have all been closed.  We will be posting the details of the conclusion of that tirade next week.  Thank you to the many that are standing up and speaking out against this hateful individual.  As always, your privacy and anonymity is respected.

We will be keeping you posted throughout Friday's court hearings as to the outcomes of her frivilous restraining orders.  We also have much more to tell you regarding several ongoing investigations into "Hala's" alleged assault on a female movie-goer and perjuring herself on official court documents.  Next week, we will bring you the truth as to the conclusion of her being sued and what the Honorable Judge really has to say.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Hala Pickford" - The Los Angeles Visionaries Association

"For a lover of silent film, there is nothing silent about Hala Pickford!" - Los Angeles Visionaries Association (L.A.V.A.)

Boy, that statement could not ring more true. There is indeed, nothing silent about "Hala Pickford."   Ms. Birchard is about as silent as a category 5 hurricane.  L.A.V.A.'s mission statement goes on to say: 

"LAVA is a loose-knit consortium of like-minded creative souls based in Los Angeles. Events listed on the LAVA calendar are hosted by their respective organizers, and LAVA assumes no responsibility or liability for anything wonderful or otherwise that should happen to attendees. LAVA membership is discretionary, and good will and good works our only requirements."
We would love to know who's discretion led to her membership?  L.A.V.A. sounds like a fantastic organization, full of intelligent, well meaning, professional adults, but Katie Lynn Birchard has no business being included in that categorization.  The last thing Katie Lynn Birchard needs is another platform in which she can potentially turn into her own personal soap-box of hate, lies, homophobia, libel, slander, frivolous lawsuits, fraud and the like.

According to L.A.V.A.'s website, Hala has been a member for about 5 weeks.  In that 5 weeks, she has not shown any signs of good will or good works.  In that same five week period, she allegedly assaulted a female movie goer, in front of many witnesses, in which the police were called.  She than lied to the police, claiming she had a "stayaway" order from Tra*y Terh*ne, an uninvolved party, asking for his removal from the theater.  When the police asked her to provide proof of such order, she could not.  She later told the police that Tra*y had never approached her.  She was eventually suggested to leave the venue by the police and theater staff, according to theater employees and witnesses.  A formal investigation into the alleged assault and her subsequent activities is ongoing.

Also, during this same 5 week period, Hala has perjured herself on multiple official sworn court documents, in which she provides a non-existent address, and false details on not one, but two restraining orders, claiming that she is being threatened with death and fears for her life.  The individuals she claims to fear will kill her live approximately 3,000 miles and 5,500 miles away from her.  She boasts on one of her many blogs that her publishing company is doing very well, but on all official court documentation, claims to have no money, and asks for all court-fees to be waved.  This is nothing more than fraud, if you ask us.

In the same 5 week period, Katie Lynn Birchard has relentlessly attacked dozens of groups and individuals. without merit.  She has again, recently targeted Cinecon after they allowed her courtesy entrance to the 2009 Cinecon event, free of charge.  She has gone on a spree of vicious attacks against their volunteers, employees and associated members.  Katie makes untrue accusations against the prestigious organization regularly and without provocation or reason.

In the same 5 week period, Katie has thrown out homophobic and hateful comments and accusations about world-renowned authors and Silent Film authorities.  She has libelously attacked this group of upstanding individuals and attempted to assassinate their character and credibility because they do not agree with her views.

In closing, Katie Lynn Birchard has no place belonging to an organization like The Los Angeles Visionaries Association.  She hasn't changed her patterns or hateful behavior since becoming a member, and her list of good deeds and good will is about as long as a shaved public hair.  It is our personal belief that when they discover her current debacle and past behavior that they will remove her from their membership list.  We also believe that when they do so, Katie will begin to relentlessly attack and libel them as well.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Hala Pickford" - Heterosexual Valentino Martyr or Homophobic Fraud?

Katie Lynn Birchard has, on many occasions, tried to play the victim of dozens of people, claiming that she was martyred, hung on a cross, and other religious references, all due to her proclamation that Rudolph Valentino was a heterosexual.

The truth is, Valentino's sexuality has nothing to do with Katie Lynn Birchard's legal or social situations. It never has been.  Katie has posted over 16,000 words in reference to this very topic, purporting that there is a homosexual mob out to crucify here for her declaration.  That is preposterous.  Ms. Birchard's sense of entitlement is extraordinary.  She fails to realize that no one gives two shits about her opinions or views.  The reason she is a social outcast, is because she publicly libels people, by the dozens, and subsequently runs to anyone whom will listen, claiming to be a victim.  She lies like a french rug, claiming to fear Tra*y Terh*ne so much, that she feels a need to sleep with an axe near her bed, and pepper spray under her pillow, but immediately after such claims, shows up at public events, unguarded, alone, waving, smiling and snickering at the very people she claims to fear for her life from.

...but Katie Lynn Birchard can not understand why people don't care to associate with her?

Katie Lynn Birchard has publicly attacked The Cinecon Organization and a number of its volunteers and organizers, claiming she wasn't warmly welcomed because of her age.  Katie neglects to mention in her hate rants, how she lashed out at these people both publicly, and in private emails before many of them even knew who she was.  She also neglects to mention that she was given complimentary tickets to Cinecon, 2009, only to sleep through most of the event, and then cop an attitude when she showed up nearly an hour after the ticketing table closed on the final evening demanding to be admitted like she was something special.  Ms. Birchard fails to mention that she went to several Silent Film themed message boards, and trashed the entire event, its staff, volunteers, format and many other details, even after being granted complimentary access to the event.  She also viciously attacked the festival, its staff and volunteers on several of her websites;

...but Katie Lynn Birchard can not understand why people don't care to associate with her?

Things have gotten so out of control with Ms. Birchard lately, that the police have had to invite her to leave film screenings, because she physically assaulted another female movie-goer.  She also called the police at the same event, claiming to have a court issued restraining order against another patron, however, when the police asked her to provide proof of such, she couldn't.  She also admitted to the same police officers, that the supposed patron never approached her or communicated with her in any way at the event.  After being invited to leave, she posted a nearly 3000 word attack of patrons, organizers and others associated with the event, and now goes as far as to say that the event was of her own planning and doing, and that her ideas were stolen and used without credit.
...but Katie Lynn Birchard can not understand why people don't care to associate with her?

Katie Lynn Birchard has attempted to silence any opposition to her, her ideas or views by filing frivolous restraining orders, wasting thousands of dollars in tax-payer money, and turning the Burbank, California court system into a circus.  She demands that the court wave all fees and costs associated with such orders, due to her allegedly failing health, lack of a job or income and the ludicrous claims that her life is being threatened daily and hangs on the balance of this supposed Valentino Mafia.

...but Katie Lynn Birchard can not understand why people don't care to associate with her?

To a person of average intelligence, simple behavior modification would seem like an easy solution to these problems;  not to Katie Lynn Birchard.  Ms. Birchard will continue to play the victim, fearing death daily from this large, gay Valentino mafia.  Such monsters allegedly hide around every corner.

Our supposition:  Paranoid Schitzophrenia, mixed with one hell of a sense of entitlement and self-worth.  Thankfully, each day, more and more people realize via Google search and word of mouth, that the real victims are those that have the misfortune to meet Katie Lynn Birchard in the first place.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

RudolphValentino{dot}org - An Unworthy Cause

Katie Lynn Birchard, who goes by the fictitious name, "Hala Pickford," set up RudolphValentino{dot}org as a supposed legitimate Valentino website, dedicated to setting up a Rudolph Valentino Society, Film Festival and more.  Needless to say, like all of her projects, Katis has let her dribble piss of hate, libel, homophobia and lies spread to that project as well.  

Katie charges a $35.00 membership fee to join the society, and claims she makes no profit, stating:
ALL profits of The Rudolph Valentino Society memberships, dues, donations, and merchandise (including festival merchandise) go to the Society. 
This money helps fund current and future endeavors including the film festival, restoring films, events, and web maintenance.

NO ONE including The Founding Sheba, Volunteers, Members, and so forth profits AT ALL from this Society.  We hold ourselves to the highest standards just like other societies, including Hollywood Heritage and The Buster Keaton Society.
Web maintenance?  I hope she isn't referring to the constant flow of bullshit that regularly appears and that website, in which she claims to have a "Stayaway" order from Tra*y Terh*ne, bashing The Valentino Memorial, etc.  Would you want your $35.00 membership fee going to that kind of "website maintenance?"  We didn't either.  We have also been told by several, that they asked Katie to see the financial reports from the society, (they should be public record) but were denied access.

One thing is for sure; The Rudolph Valentino Society, run by Katie Lynn Birchard, A.K.A., "Hala Pickford" is not held to the highest standards, such as the other societies that she mentions.  Ms. Birchard runs that projects, like she runs all of her other projects and her life; with bitterness, hatred, homophobia, unprofessionalism and lies.

If you are genuinely interested in Rudolph Valentino, we respectfully suggest that you take a look at one of the other, more established, respectable societies.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team